So what has been happening since 2006 (our last post)? The group has moved home from yahoo group to google group. It has grown to have over 100 members. We passed the 10 and 15 year milestones and is still going strong. Through that time we have had some memorable events.
Pride March –  In the 17 years, Yellow Kitties has attended all but two Pride March. In 2016, a bunch of Taiko playing kitties borrowed some drums to add rhythm and sound to our march. Our banner changed three time during the 17 years. We lost two then found one. The current banner was completed on the way to Pride March. A bunch of us got together to paint and stitch the banner literally days before the march and it was finished in the car as we were driving to the march!
Seafood Nights – with over 30 kitties gathering at my house to share a great home cooked seafood for a fraction of the price one would pay at a restaurant. Mussels, Prawns, Crab, Scallops, Pippies, and Calamaris!
Spam Nights – a number of Spam (appreciation) night was held. Surprising to some, it was very popular so much so that we had a waiting list. A number of vegetarian and non spam eaters braved one of the event. They ordered pizza! Somehow (much to their disgust) Spam ended up on top of their vegetarian pizza. So how many things can you make with Spam? The answer is a lot! We had Spam Char Sui Bau, Spam Fried Rice, Korean Army Stew, Spam Sliders, Spam Musubi, Peking Spam and Pancake, Spam Korean Pancake (Pajeon), Cheesy Macaroni and Spam, Spam Paella, Spam Croquettes (the crowd favorite) and more
Chinese New Year – every year it gets bigger and bigger. A joint event with Gay Asian Proud (GAP). This is when my house almost burst at the seam with up to 50 people coming together to celebrate Chinese New Year. To be different, this year we had Yum Cha. Like all our Yum Cha gathering, there was an eating competition between the tables! It was a great gathering of old and new members and our very good friends from GAP.
Durian Nights – fans of this stinky (or fragrant depending on your point of view) fruit gathered for our Durian Night. Many durian products were consumed. We had three type of Durian (including Malaysian varieties), durian cream cake, durian swiss roll, durian paste, durian wafers, durian ice-cream and freeze dry durian. There were so much durian that people had to take stuff home and that we had to order pizza (something savory) to offset all the durian we ate. Some people (non durian fan) had to leave the building because of the smell!
Steamboat Nights – a favorite event for Yellow Kitties in winter. Always well attended and always a good gathering.
Bubble Soccer – not all Yellow Kitties events are about food. Although most usually start with or end with food. Bubble Soccer was great exercise. It was funny watching people roll around in their bubble trying to get up. There were fierce competition with spectacular crashing that ended with people flying across the field!
Bike Ride –  What an achievement, some kitties took up riding recently. To their credit and determination, they have completed the MS Ride and also 25km, 50km, and 100km Round the Bay Ride. Social rides have taken the group from Brunswick to Altona, Cragieburn, Blackburn, around the Capital City Trail and from Warburton to Lilydale.
These are just some of the highlights. Over the years many members contributed to running and organising events and to keep the group going. In accordance with the intent of the founding principles, we will continue the work to provide a safe social space for our members (Asian women who don’t identify as straight, and their partners and friends).

Go Kitties! 

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