新年快乐,恭喜发财 (红包拿来!)
It seemed like all had a great old time at The Yellow Kitties Chinese New Year on Saturday night! 
Firstly, we must thank P&L for their incredible organization and hospitality – they planned for 50 people to come to their house!! I’m sure they were both relieved when a few last minute cancellations happened but the set up was pretty amazing – showing what experienced party hostesses they are!

Our creative and talented kitties brought lots of delicious foods – and some took home more than they brought (including yours truly… and let that be a lesson to you all – when people say bring a plate, also bring your Tupperware containers!).
I personally loved the marinated chicken, sushi, noodles and gorgeous salads…. not to mention the desserts – beautiful fruits, fortune cookies, gelatinous goodies and those delicious cup-cakes that Y so skillfully “sold” “for just three dollar!!”

I also loved the company – everyone seemed so relaxed eating and chatting underneath lanterns on a hot summer day. YW, D and myself endowed ourselves with random ice tea tastings (who knew Lipton had so many flavours!?) whilst discussing the pros and cons of a timely Pap smear.
Fun and educational for all!
P&L- thank you again for hosting yet another successful CNY celebration! You guys pulled it off seamlessly.
Next YK event is a day by the beach on Sat March 3rd and then the Chillout festival for the labour day weekend (March 11-13). Looking forward to seeing you all there!
Until then… enjoy these photos!


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