It’s summer time, Melbourne is being blessed with plenty of sunshine, and what better way to celebrate this other than hitting the beach and whipping up a classic BBQ! We made our way to Hampton on a glorious sunny Saturday morning, meats and tongs in tow, enthusiasm pouring from our sleeves. The early birds fired up the BBQ pit and got straight into cooking up some delicious sausage wraps and roast veggies. One by one, the rest of us arrived, each one bringing more food to add to the BBQ party. We had pork chops, chicken wings, skewers, sausages, bacon, roast tomatoes, veggies, and a special pasta salad lovingly made by a fellow YK member. It was a massive cookout under the blistering heat of a 31-degree day, and we took turns to man the BBQ pit and nibble away at some of the food.
Soon enough all the food was cooked, and we gathered in the shade to enjoy the feast and chatted away. Good conversation flowed for the next hour, as we made friends with old and new faces alike. Having fed ourselves, we then packed up and headed off to the beach. We picked a good spot with an amazing view overlooking the sea (and beautiful people of course), spread out the picnic mats and soon conversation was flowing again. Some of us went into the water without any further ado, while some stayed back to enjoy the sun and relax. The water was cool and refreshing, offering respite from the heat.
After some time in the water, everyone gathered back on the beach to chill and chat for the next couple of hours, snacking away gleefully. A few adventurous souls ventured off for some kayaking and paddle-boarding, but alas it was not to be as the rentals were closing soon at that time of the day. A change of weather started brewing up strong winds around 4pm, and we decided to take the party elsewhere. As some started making their way home, the rest of us headed off to a fellow YK member’s house to continue Round 2. We snacked (again) on fortune cookies, reading aloud our fortunes and celebrating it with even more snacks. Predictably we also started making plans for dinner (that’s Yellow Kitties done right!) and after some R&R, off again we went to Glen Waverley for some good ol’ Malaysian food! We tried different noodle dishes and drinks, learning the nuances between “teh tarik” and “teh-c”, discussing future YK events, etc.
As the clock hit 9.30pm it’s time to head home. Stomachs fed, stories shared, everybody had an amazing time. It’s been a perfect gold-star day!