Greetings YK-ers,
S here with your weekend recap. ? Last weekend on the 09.11.2019, 13 yellow kitties braved the gloomy Saturday afternoon for an audition to grab a spot in (a future) YK band. (Opps got a little carried away ?) We spent 5hrs singing our voices away. It was great to see everyone picking a variation of songs both English and Chinese, taking the centre stage and letting out the superstar in them. We also had a surprise birthday celebration for our dear M. Last but not least, every great karaoke session is never complete with the classics, “It’s my life – Bon Jovi”, “I don’t want to miss a thing -Aerosmith”, “We will rock you – Queen”. The session ended later in the evening just in time for dinner. The 13 hungry and croaked kitties went to Shop House Kitchen for dinner and the night went on with interesting conversations and getting to know more about each other.
Thank you N for organising the Karaoke session. We all really enjoyed ourselves and looking forward to the next one!!