Reflections and Photos…
After one year of consistently missing YK events, realised I had one last chance to see YKs in 2019. When I heard the event was indoor I thought, typical…having party on a 30 degree day indoors, instead of an outdoor summer picnic…How very Asian of YK! (Which I guess is fair enough…)
But when i stepped into the apartment and saw the amazing views of the city, I quickly realised here couldn’t have been much of a better location to end another great year of YK fun, friendship and community. The views, conversations, food and laughter were top notch as always.
True to all end of year celebrations…Here are my memories from the year:
*clears throat*…
…. (IT, can you write some memorable events, I’ve been away)….
… oh actually I remember Facebook photos of the YK coastal hike which looked amazing!
Anyways back onto the night – it was great catching up with old friends and new faces. The food was amazing as always – well done kitties. And the news of T’s delicious grass jelly desert spread far and wide. I heard 小城故事多 about it!
I loved hearing Mandarin after a year of almost none (please keep talking chinese around me. Lest my skill fade away like my youth!!). And also loved learning how to play Mah-jong – I even won a game, thanks to my quick learning skills … a tiny (read: large) amount of help from IT the mahjong master.
I will likely be moving to the country (Wangaratta) next year for work, both sad and exciting, and I will miss YK dearly. You guys have embraced me like the asian sister I never looked like!  Thankfully I’ll have Friday – Sunday off work so hope to catch up with you guys at YK events on the weekend.
Have a happy new year and enjoy the summer heat (with lots of sunscreen and hats, as I have no doubt you will!)
– N